The History of Video Game Consoles
1st Generation Consoles (Overview)

In 1958, William Higinbotham developed an electronic video game dubbed "Tennis for Two" using an oscilloscope. In 1972, the official start of the video gaming revolution began. The 1st generation of gaming consoles consisted primarily of buttonless controllers, black and white displays, and simple beeper noises integrated into the gaming consoles themselves. Nearly every game produced during the 1st generation of home game consoles was based on the classic game of Pong, in which a primitive ball (represented by a box) would bounce from one player to another. Sports-based Pong variations were popular, although due to the primitive technology, every game was similar and at times indistinguishable from any other. The only way to achieve color during much of this 1st generation era was to tape overlay screens onto television sets.

1st Generation Consoles
APF TV Fun Telstar Ranger
1st Generation Timeline
1st Generation Resources
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