The History of Video Game Consoles
3rd Generation Consoles (Overview)

Within the 3rd generation of consoles, gamers were provided with much richer graphics and far more complex and diverse games than in the prior generations of games. This era of consoles is commonly known as the 8-bit era. 3rd generation games could generally support up to 64 colors, which was a vast improvement over prior generations of consoles. The improved audio systems allowed for the creation of catchy and highly memorable songs (including the theme from Super Mario Brothers and Tetris). Likewise, the controllers of 3rd generation consoles were more diverse and contained more than one button, which allowed for far greater possibilities within games. 3rd generation games could carry vast storylines and most of them had multiple worlds of levels and challenges.

3rd Generation Consoles
Nintendo Entertainment System Sega Master System
3rd Generation Timeline
3rd Generation Resources
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