Throughout the past thirty years, games have transformed from primitive black and white "Table Tennis (Pong)" clones to photorealistic and fully immersive 3D experiences. From the Telstar Ranger and the Atari 2600, to the Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Genesis, to the Sony PlayStation and the Nintendo Wii, game consoles and the games themselves continue to evolve at break-neck speeds. The multibillion dollar video game industry continues to provide increasingly realistic home entertainment for both young and old to enjoy.

This Web site serves to preserve and present historical information about all generations of home video game consoles and video games—from their humble beginnings in the 1970s through to the latest and greatest consoles available in this new millennium. By exploring the content presented throughout this site, visitors will be able to travel back in time and revisit each of the existing generations of home gaming consoles and the games that defined each era. Each era of information includes:
- Generation overview and summary about each generation
- Information about two consoles from the specified era
- A picture of the console in question
- General specifications about each console
- A summary of each console, it's popularity, etc.
- Three screenshots of console-specific games
- External links for further information about each console
- A timeline of events spanning each of the generations
- Additional resources detailing the history of game consoles

To ensure maximum support for all visitors, this site has been designed so that it is fully viewable at all resolutions from 800x600 on up, and the site equally supports all major browsers and platforms. The site is CSS level 2.1 and XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant. For more details about the development of this site, click on Mr. Pac-Man to the left!