The History of Video Game Consoles
4th Generation of Video Game Consoles

Sega Genesis

Sega Genesis

The Sega Genesis (a.k.a. Mega Drive) took a giant leap into the world of 16-bit gaming. Offering higher-resolution and better graphics, greater memory capacities, and stereo audio abilities, the Genesis had a lot going for it. With a small add-on accessory, owners of Master System games could play them in their new Genesis consoles. Another accessory was developed which converted the Genesis' 16-bit power into 32-bit. A lightgun was developed, as was a CD media extension, but these failed to gain widespread interest. With over 800 games and 29 million units sold worldwide, the Genesis was successful but not as successful as Nintendo's SNES.

Manufacturer: Sega
Released: 1988-1989
Display: 32,768 Colors, 512/Screen (320 x 224 Res.)
Sound: 6-Channel Stereo
Processor: 16/32-Bit Motorola 68000 (7.67 MHz)
Game Media: Cartridge (32 Mb Capacity)
Controller: Detachable 4 Button Controllers
Original Price: $190
Sega Genesis

Game Screenshots (Click to Enlarge)
Mortal Kombat 3 NBA Jam The Haunting
Mortal Kombat 3 NBA Jam The Haunting

Super Nintendo (SNES)

Super Nintendo (SNES)

The Super Nintendo, in all of its 16-bit glory, towered mightily over the original 8-bit Nintendo. The SNES featured 8-channels of superb quality stereo sound and the ability to display over 32,700 colors (256 per screen). To enable far greater and more complex gaming experiences, the default controllers contained a total of eight buttons instead of just four. Many of the games made popular on the original Nintendo including Adventure Island and Bomberman were remade for the Super Nintendo. A new and improved Mario game was released for the SNES and went on to sell 20 million copies. In all, about 50 million SNES consoles were sold worldwide.

Manufacturer: Nintendo
Released: 1990-1991
Display: 32,768 Colors, 256 Per Screen (512 x 448 Res.)
Sound: 8-Channel Stereo
Processor: 16-Bit Ricoh 5A22 (21.48 MHz)
Game Media: Cartridge (117.75 Mb Capacity)
Controller: Detachable 8 Button Controllers / Superscope
Original Price: $199
Super Nintendo (SNES)

Game Screenshots (Click to Enlarge)
Super Mario World Clay Fighter 2 MegamanX3
Super Mario World Clay Fighter 2 Megaman X3
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